her Medical Patient experience questionnaire 2024

Thank you for agreeing to complete our questionnaire about your visit to our practice today. 

The questionnaire is designed to gather feedback from patients on their experience with our practice so that we can improve our patient care. This feedback will help us better understand what our patients want.The questionnaire is voluntary, confidential and anonymous. Your answers cannot be linked to you in any way. Your care will not be affected by completing the questionnaire or if you change your mind and decide not to complete it.

To complete the questionnaire, please answer every question by placing a tick in the box that most closely matches your answer. We would like you to answer every question.

• If the question does not apply to you, there is a ‘Not applicable’ (N/A) option. 

• If you do not know the answer, you can use the ‘Don’t know’ option. 

Your opinion is important to us. There are no right or wrong answers; we simply want you to rate your experience of the practice. The information will assist the doctors, nurses and other staff to help improve patient care. If you have any questions about the questionnaire, please ask the receptionist.

Remember, the answers are confidential and you will not be identified in any way. 

We appreciate your time and help, and look forward to continuing to provide you with high-quality healthcare. 

Yours faithfully, 

The GPs and staff members at her Medical 

To better understand the demographics of our clinic community we ask the following identifiers.

If no, please submit survey.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.